Intend to Exercise, then do it !

I started writing this blog as “Making time for exercise”, but stalled with the thought that if we do not have a true “intention” to exercise, all of our plans and wish lists fall by the wayside because we will not follow through on them. I questioned myself how do I do it?

To set in my mind a true intention to exercise, I  must mentally pre-program myself, so I see it happening and set it in my mind and commit myself to it.  Once I have done that my next step is to plan and decide on the time and place and the how and record it, write it down, text someone my intent.

Better still I invite a buddy along as an extra driving force as insurance.

Exercising for 20 minutes a day will add to your longevity. Adding 20 minutes of light exercise a day adds up to 2+ hours of exercise a week this has benefits not only for burning calories but in increasing our body’s overall health and agility.

Plan time for exercise and make it a regular daily routine habit is even better.  It helps to exercise around the same time each day. The key is to build exercise into your life style so that it is not disruptive. Chose times of the day that work best for you. Is it early morning before work or just before supper? or while watching TV?  Use those 5-minute advertising sections to put in some body strengthening exercises like squats and lunges. My father, now 93 years old, swears by the arm curls with a couple of cans of beans he has practiced over the years since retirement while watching T.V. as a major reason for his good health.

Start with something simple, Walking is the simplest exercise, it costs nothing to get started. It is easy, safe and can be done anywhere and anytime.  Walk around the block in your neighborhood, around the local parks, meet the neighbors.  Walk to the corner store instead of driving, walk in the sunlight and get the bonus effect of melatonin stimulation to aid in better quality sleep.

Even at home you can move more through some simple changes to regular household duties, get creative and involve the whole family.

  • Do housework to fast music, get the heart rate up, dance for 60 seconds in between chores- feeling a little crazy is good for the soul! (Vacuuming to the sound of the rolling stones cranked up is a great stress reliever.)
  • Work in the garden, mow the grass. Rake leaves, prune, dig and pick up trash.
  • Stand up while talking on the telephone and exercise on the spot –try high leg lifts , high knee bends or lunges.
  • Walk the dog or borrow the neighbors’ dog and take it for a walk.
  • Plan family time for exercise involve the kids or other family members, make it a friendly playful competition- volleyball before dinner or simple catching a ball.
  • if you are lucky enough to have home exercise equipment intend to use it, make yourself a schedule.

If you think you don’t have the time to take a walk, think about how much time you spend after work on the following activities- watching TV, binge watching TV shows on Netflix, catching up on your social media accounts, talking about how tired you are.

Can you change some of the couch potato time into exercise time? Make the change today, intend to move more, then actually do it!


Plan and intend to complete 20 minutes exercise in your daily routine.

Keep track of your activity for one week and let us know how you did.

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